MS reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux, is one symptom that MS patients can sometimes experience. Multiple Sclerosis reflux is caused by lesions on the medulla oblongata, which in turn affects the sphincter muscles at the top of the stomach. When these muscles fail to close properly, acid from the stomach can make its way into the esophagus, causing heartburn or indigestion, an unpleasant taste in the mouth and even a choking sensation when lying down. One of the most common symptoms of MS reflux, also known among laymen as acid reflux, is a sharp pain in the chest, which can be very uncomfortable. Often, sufferers with Multiple Sclerosis reflux will not have a healthy appetite. They may feel their stomachs full all the time, just as if they would have eaten a big meal. If the acid reflux becomes so severe that it starts to affect the patient’s appetite, then they would become weak due to the lack of proper and regular eating.
Treating MS reflux
There are several drugs that have been developed to treat the symptoms of acid reflux, as it is quite a common complaint among the general public. All these medications can also be used to treat Multiple Sclerosis reflux sufferers too. These medications are used mainly to provide relief from the symptoms, rather than curing the condition. Some of the drugs that can be prescribed for MS reflux patients are Antacids, Zantac, Prilosec, Pepcid and Tagamet. They work by reducing the acid in the stomach, rather than acting upon the stomach muscles that have been damaged by MS. In this way, these tablets usually taken after meals or at bedtime can help to reduce the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis reflux.
Other ways to alleviate Multiple Sclerosis reflux
There are other ways that MS patients can follow in their daily lives to try and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of MS reflux. Multiple Sclerosis reflux can often be controlled by keeping a check on the kinds of food you eat specifically by avoiding heavy meals and snacks at bedtime, and by cutting certain foods and drinks out of your diet. MS reflux can be worse after eating fatty foods, caffeine drinks, citrus fruits, fizzy drinks, alcohol, chocolate and mint. If you stop having these foods, or reduce them in your diet then you will be able to reduce the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis reflux.