Orange ribbons adorn backpacks, hats, purses, shirts, vests, and anything else they can be pinned upon. These orange-hued items are Multiple Sclerosis ribbons. MS ribbons are worn by those who wish to show they are supportive of the MS community. People gather these special ribbons and pass them out to friends and family members to promote awareness of this debilitating disease.

Creating awareness of MS and sharing knowledge of the disease with others helps everyone learn of ways to help those in need. People with MS face a number of challenges during their lifetime. Daily tasks can become exhausting, a career might need to be set on the back burner due to a decrease in mobility, and sometimes staying at home is a hazard in itself. Life with MS can be smooth for a time, but there are plenty of bumpy sessions, especially as the disease progresses.

As the public knowledge of Multiple Sclerosis increases, the funding for MS research and to aid MS organizations in supporting services and programs for people with MS also grows. The more money these non-profit organizations are able to obtain, the better they can provide for the MS community. Purchasing small orange ribbons to show support for MS research is a small step, but an important one anyone can take.


Additional Ways to Show Support for MS Awareness


Bicycling and walking events are hosted around the nation to raise money for MS projects. Communities all over can start their own fundraising event by contacting the nearest MS chapter and making the event public. There’s no limit to what type of fundraising activity is has to be. People have had guest lecturers on MS for the community to learn more about the disease, cookouts, carnivals, bake sales, and concerts. Kids even enjoy getting involved. They have organized car washes and plant sales, just to name a couple of kid-organized activities.

If biking or walking a specific distance seems intriguing, the National MS society has a map of the United States where cities hosting one or both of these types of events are marked on it. Clicking on a particular region of the US leads you to a new map of cities from which to choose from. Once the city is clicked on, details about the event are provided. Multiple Sclerosis ribbons are often handed out at these events as well as bright orange t-shirts for volunteers and participants. So, pass out those MS ribbons and get involved.