Multiple Sclerosis is an incurable disease that has the potential to progress to Advanced MS rather quickly, if left unattended. The presence of Advanced Multiple Sclerosis brings about many challenges, as well as additional concerns. Some cases of MS progress to the point where the individual is unable to maintain mobility. This is the point in life when independence and control need to be redefined. It can be a difficult moment for anyone with MS, but people who were once extremely active tend to take it the hardest.

Recognizing the need to make changes and accept these changes graciously is arduous, but necessary. MS advances as more nerve cells get attacked by the immune system. The more damage done to these nerves, the less mobility the person will have. The body can only take so much before it will need outside assistance to enable it to become mobile once again. This could include the use of a cane, walker, or wheelchair. A chair might be necessary in the shower to enable the person to shower without the aid of a caregiver or family member.

Assistive technology can be a marvelous thing. This particular type of technology has opened a whole new world for people with limited mobility, whether it’s used for assistance walking, dressing, cooking, cleaning, writing, reading, or driving. These items simply enable a person whose MS has progressed to continue being as self-sufficient as possible. Each product takes less energy, coordination, or mobility in general to use.


Advanced Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms and the Future


Many MS patients make plans for the future as soon as they are diagnosed with MS and learn how quickly it can progress. People experiencing advanced symptoms of MS often think about their family first and how finances need to be put in order to ensure a good future for them. Granted, today a person with MS can live to be a ripe, old age, but taking care of the family is still something that needs to be considered. Employment options might also change as MS symptoms advance.

Modifying the house and your external environment can be necessary as MS progresses. This is where the assistive technology comes in handy. Emotional issues tend to be more prevalent, which can lead to depression. Joining a support group for MS patients is something that should be done right after a positive diagnosis for MS is given. However, some people try to take their medicine and put the disease out of their mind. Eventually a time comes when support is needed from individuals who know what is going on and what else to expect from Advanced MS. Dealing with Advanced Multiple Sclerosis isn’t something that should be done alone. This is a time when family and friends should be kept closer than ever.


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