There is no one, straightforward cure for MS, but how to treat Multiple Sclerosis in your situation depends on a multitude of factors. You may want to modify the course of your disease or you may be just attempting to treat your most recent attack or relapse. You may decide you want to use drugs to treat multiple sclerosis by managing the symptoms, or you may decide to use any of the alternative treatments that have benefited many patients without pharmaceuticals at all.


Disease Modification


When you decide that the primary goal of your plan is to attempt to modify the course of the disease, the question of how to treat Multiple Sclerosis usually becomes a question of which drug you are going to use as your primary medication. Keep in mind that many alternative treatments can also aid in disease modification, but if you are going the pharmaceutical route, it is best to start as early as possible after diagnosis to prevent permanent damage from occurring that is not reversible. Limiting lesions early in the course of the disease is the best way to avoid or postpone dramatically any permanent disability.  Since the early forms of MS are usually relapsing-remitting, the following drugs to treat Multiple Sclerosis are the most commonly used, although the list is not exhaustive by any means:

  • Avonex (interferon beta – 1a)
  • Copaxone (glatiramer acetate)
  • Betaseron (interferon beta – 1b)
  • Extavia (interferon beta – 1b)
  • Gilenya ( Fingolimod oral medication)
  • Novantrone (mitoxantrone)
  • Tysabri (natalizumab)
  • Rebif (interferon beta – 1a)

All of the above are FDA approved and are primarily prescribed to slow down the progression of Multiple Sclerosis. Obviously you need to discuss the benefits vs. side effects for your particular case with your doctor but the list might give you a start on doing some preliminary research so that you can have a place to start with your physician.


How to treat Multiple Sclerosis if you are mostly interested in managing symptoms


Alternative treatments show a lot of promise in managing symptoms and a good way to start might be to ask members of a support group, or other MS patients you know “How do you treat Multiple Sclerosis”?

Many people find diet modification and exercise to give the greatest relief.  Others find Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, or one of the rehabilitative therapies to be the greatest help.  This is really highly individualized, and you may have to try several, or end up with a combination of alternative treatments before settling on how to treat Multiple Sclerosis in their own case.

With so many options, how to treat Multiple Sclerosis is answered differently by each patient and most doctors. There is general consensus on one thing, however, and it is that the way you decide how to treat Multiple Sclerosis must be adhering to a routine and following it strictly.  Maintain a positive attitude, stick to the plan you settle on, and the quality of your life does not have to deteriorate.