MS illness is notoriously difficult to diagnose as knowing what to look out for when it comes to Multiple Sclerosis illness is actually sometimes quite hard to determine. These symptoms can come and go, can sometimes disappear for weeks, months, and even years before the person in question seeks medical attention. It is important to know that there isn’t even a single list of symptoms, which can make it even harder to narrow the particular symptoms down. What is very important is to always note when symptoms occur, how long they last, how bad they are, and what exactly happens. This type of data will be very useful for when the person in question talks to a doctor. Certain primary symptoms that are noticed very early are caused by the attacks that happen on the nerve cells inside the body. A symptom checklist can be very useful in figuring out whether or not what a person is going through is normal or not. However, there are possibilities that some symptoms won’t be on a list because they haven’t occurred before.

There are some common early symptoms such as: blindness in one eye, red-green color distortion, seeing double or having blurred vision, weakness, numb and tingling skin or limbs, unexplained fatigue, clumsiness, loss of bladder or bowel control, cognitive difficulties, or trouble with movement in any way. It is important to always have the doctor check out any possible symptoms as even a single one can affect the progression of this illness.

It is also important to understand that symptoms won’t necessarily get better on their own. MS illness symptoms will get worse if not treated and become social, psychological, and vocational and in fact impact every possible venue of a patient’s life.


What is MS Illness Treatment Offered for Symptoms?


MS can cause issues with pain management, but these symptoms can be managed by medications which have been developed in order to lessen the pains, aches, and burning sensations that can happen as part of MS. Over-the-count pain relievers will not work very well with acute MS pain because the pain is caused by the body’s own central nervous system and not by the muscles and joints.

There are certain alternatives to such OTCs such as anticonvulsant medications but the final approval of these particular drugs by the FDA for pain relief is still pending. For example, Tegretol and Neurontin are two of the anticonvulsants which can be used to treat pain. In fact, Neurontin is a medication that has been prescribed more often for pain than for seizures. These types of drugs can offer much relief to patients suffering from MS illness.

Commonly experienced side effects can be low blood pressure, dry mouth, seizures, or weight gain. There will be a lot of trial and error when it comes to finding the right one. It may take a lot of time to find the right anticonvulsant that works on pain for Multiple Sclerosis illness. Even though these medications have drawbacks, the pain relief they offer is crucial for many MS patients.