MS Ireland is also known as the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland. This Multiple Sclerosis Ireland organization is celebrating 50 years of service to the MS community. The mission of the society is to provide the proper resources to individuals with MS so as to help them live life to the fullest. The organization also wishes to help all individuals with MS to continue to be as active as possible and remain positive during their battle with MS. Objectives of this MS group include; facilitating individuals to enable them to participate within the community as much as possible, have control over their environment and lives, offer support to caregivers and family members of MS patients, and pass along informative material about MS.

Besides the aims already mentioned, this MS organization in Ireland is an advocate of empowering professionals who seek to engage in scientific research on behalf of MS patients. Caregivers, scientists, and medical technicians are just a few specific examples of the types of professionals interested in the cure and management of MS.

The resources and services provided by this society of individuals for MS in Ireland are aimed at providing information that is accurate and much needed emotional and psychological support for anyone involved with MS; whether it’s directly or simply out of curiosity. Resources are available to people without MS as well, in order to help promote awareness of this autoimmune disease and empower others to do what they can to help further research of it.

The original office of this organization was set up in Dublin in 1961, but it has since branched out and now has an MS Resource Centre and an MS Care Centre, both of which work to serve the MS community of Ireland.


MS Ireland Latest News


The latest MS news for the Irish community can be gathered from a number of sources. Organizations generally work year around to raise money for funding all sorts of  programs, services, and activities for individuals with MS. One such fundraising event is MS Ireland Walks and Adventures. It is an excellent charity event in which people can gather together to show support for individuals with MS. This walk is one of the longest-running MS charity events in all of Ireland.

Even kids can get involved with raising money for MS research. MS Ireland offers schoolchildren the chance to read books as a fundraising event. The campaign only takes a month and the Multiple Sclerosis Ireland organization also offers intern placement to individuals seeking employment opportunities within the MS community.