Multiple Sclerosis muscle weakness or MS muscle weakness is different from regular muscle weakness, as it is caused by damage to the nerves, rather than under or over-use of muscles through physical exertion. MS muscle weakness happens because the central nervous system is damaged and messages don’t get through to the limbs and muscles in the body. This lack of messages from the central nervous system means that limbs that are already used less frequently, are used even less and will become weaker. Although the principal cause of Multiple Sclerosis muscle weakness is problems with nerves, not exercising the limbs that are affected will only make the problem worse. Don’t try and tackle MS muscle weakness with aerobic exercise, as this will only increase your chances of developing severe fatigue. Exercise that strengthens and tones the affected muscles will be much more effective and will be less likely to tire you out.
Treating Multiple Sclerosis muscle weakness
The best way to treat MS muscle weakness is with a gentle exercise regime which slowly and steadily builds up strength in the affected limbs, without tiring out the patient. If Multiple Sclerosis muscle weakness is starting to severely affect your quality of life, then you should think about seeing a physiotherapist who will be able to develop a suitable exercise programme and help you to slowly increase strength in the weaker muscles. An occupational therapist too will be able to provide help and advice in order to make it easier for you to carry out everyday tasks. If certain limbs have become almost useless because of MS muscle weakness, then you might need an occupational therapist to come up with alternative ways for you to carry out certain tasks.
Other effects of MS muscle weakness
Multiple Sclerosis muscle weakness can cause other problems too. If you are unlucky enough to suffer from MS muscle weakness in both legs, also known as paraparesis, then this can make it difficult to walk and you may have to spend long periods resting or even use a wheelchair to get around. Multiple Sclerosis muscle weakness can also make bowel problems worse, as muscles are an important part of this process. Weak muscles around the bowels can lead to incontinence, which can be a very upsetting and embarrassing experience. Specific exercises and medication can help with this problem, as with all aspects of MS muscle weakness.