Among the many symptoms that MS sufferers can experience, a range of them are MS vision symptoms. These Multiple Sclerosis vision symptoms can take on a number of different forms, and patients may only experience one, a couple or in some rare cases all of them. These problems are caused by the damage to the central nervous system, which then in turn, affects the optical nerves controlling the eyes. The various MS vision symptoms may not always be immediately identified as related to the MS. Sometimes, patients can experience a slow deterioration in their vision, while in other cases Multiple Sclerosis vision symptoms can appear almost immediately. Although many of these problems may seem extreme and very scary, many patients will not experience any or will only experience them in the latter stages of the disease.
Different Types of MS Vision Symptoms
There are several different Multiple Sclerosis vision symptoms that sufferers can experience because of the disease. These can include optic neuritis, which causes blurred vision or color blindness, as well as dilplopia, also known as double vision. Other MS vision symptoms, such as nystagmus can cause jerky eye movements, which can not only affect the sufferer’s vision, but can also make the patient feel self-conscious about the way they look. Internuclearopthalmoplegia is one of the more unsettling Multiple Sclerosis vision symptoms, as it causes a lack of co-ordination between the eyes.
Other Multiple Sclerosis Vision Symptoms
Along with the MS vision symptoms mentioned above, there are other problems that patients can experience. Ocular dysmetria can cause the eyes to over or under-focus, with some people experiencing both symptoms at different times, while an afferent pupillary defect causes a whole range of unusual and abnormal pupil responses and defects. One of the most unusual of the range of Multiple Sclerosis vision symptoms is a condition which is known as movement and sound phosphenes. This causes the sufferer to see flashing lights whenever they move their eyes or when they hear a sudden noise. All of these symptoms can not only be unsettling and sometimes painful, they can also make the sufferer very uncomfortable while in public. Eyes are a very noticeable part of the body and if your eyes are affected by MS vision symptoms it can not only affect your vision, but also your emotional state.