Multiple sclerosis fatigue treatment is one of the most sought-after MS treatment subsets today. This is for a good reason, considering multiple sclerosis fatigue is one of the most severe and common symptoms of MS.
Unfortunately, as MS becomes a more common illness as generations pass, few people seem to truly understand this disease. People still take the myths about this disease to be truths without question, and therefore the myths and legends about MS continue to endure – this worsens things.
Multiple sclerosis is a disease that is caused when the insular material around nerves, called myelin, begins to break down and form holes. This process is known as demyelination. This process itself is not painful, nor is an individual even aware of the process directly. However, as the nerves lose their insulation, the electrical signals to the body begin to diminish. When this happens, the various parts of the body begin to malfunction to varying levels of severity.
This mass failure, people do notice, and rather quickly. The symptoms of MS are various, and affect every part of the body potentially. One of the major ones along with vertigo is fatigue.
The mechanisms behind the fatigue can be a few different things within the realm of MS. One common problem is that if the muscles aren’t getting the amount of electricity they need to operate, they feel fatigued. Labored breathing is another MS symptom that can contribute to fatigue due to oxygen deprivation.
Gastric and digestive problems can lead to less fuel being absorbed by the body – another cause of fatigue. This sort of fatigue is serious, because parts of the body that do not feel fatigued can still be suffering this same weariness. One big concern there is the heart, but the liver and other organs can also suffer fatigue and wear.
Suggested forms of multiple sclerosis fatigue treatment.
Treating multiple sclerosis fatigue is something that really depends on the person. Body chemistry and other variables already in place can affect what treatments are best for any particular person. Overall, many find that stretching exercises and other low impact aerobics can serve to reduce fatigue. Anything to healthily strengthen muscles, improve oxygen distribution as well as blood flow are good ways to reduce and prevent much of the fatigue.
A healthy, balanced diet planned with advice from a physician can also make the body more energized and less fatigued. Some herbal and natural treatments are also being employed by doctors to safely reduce the fatigued symptoms that MS sufferers deal with on a regular basis.
Consumption of strong stimulants such as caffeine, sugar or other such things is actually not recommended beyond normal dietary levels. While there exist natural supplements that do reduce fatigue all around, none of these should be used by an MS patient without first consulting their doctor.
With MS affecting parts of the body in unpredictable ways, any supplement or severe alteration to diet could cause problems that nobody could predict without close, informed analysis. If fatigue continues to increase at a rapid rate, consult a doctor or go to an emergency room immediately.
Related links: Our MS site in yahoo | Our MS site on BOTW |