Generally speaking, the effects of multiple sclerosis flare ups are not predictable. This is because the presentation of the disease varies in different patients. Not surprisingly, MS flare ups affect different people in different ways.

In some patients, multiple sclerosis flare ups are immensely debilitating. They essentially result in the disability of the MS patient. He or she is unable to function as would previously have been possible. Any work or regular activity thus has to be put on the back-burner. In addition, there is no guarantee that, later, the parent will experience remission of the symptoms. For those patients whose symptoms do go into remission, it is possible that they will only regain part of their previous function or ability. Thus, in many cases, MS flare ups lead progressively towards increased disability.

As mentioned above, the progression of MS is unique to each patient. In some individuals, flare ups are acute, and the subsequent periods of remission can endure for months. In yet other people, the periods of remission can last many years. Some people get to a point in the disease where there are no clear cut distinctions between periods of flare ups and periods of remission. Rather, there is a clearly visible and continuous deterioration in their condition over time.


Possible Triggers of Multiple Sclerosis Flare Ups


While it is impossible to make general predictions about MS, one can make reasonable calculations about the progression of the disease in an individual by observing the manifestation and development of the disease in that person for a while. It is thus possible, for instance, to determine that a particular individual is especially prone to developing flare ups within a couple of weeks of experiencing a stressful event. With this knowledge, one can put measures into place to shield the MS patient from unnecessary stress and to help him or her cope with unavoidable stress. Teaching relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga and prayer, and addressing MS patients’ depression and anxiety are effective ways of doing this.

MS flares have also been associated with various infections, especially viral infections. Thus, MS patients are advised to keep an eye on their general health. They should take precautions to minimize exposure to infection. Additionally, they should treat existing infections. Minimizing the burden on their respective immune systems is an important part of supporting their bodies in the battle against MS. In the spirit of maintaining optimal health, they should also incorporate healthy eating and sufficient rest into their daily routines. These factors may seem unremarkable, but they can play an important role in promoting the well-being of MS patients.