Multiple sclerosis and MS (multiple sclerosis) remissions are something everyone’s heard of and many people have encountered either personally or by knowing someone with the problem. But how many people really understand the disease, how it works, and how to put it into remission? Not as many as should, would be the short answer.

So let’s look at how this disease works, and what happens when it goes into remission. Let’s understand how to fight this disease until it’s finally obliterated.

Multiple sclerosis is a nerve disease at its core. To understand what it does, let’s think about the nervous system in the human body. At its heart, it’s our electrical system and our computer network all in one. And one thing it shares in common with manmade wiring is that it has insulation. Instead of plastics, though, we have myelin, a sheath of fatty tissue that enshrouds the nerve cells.

If this tissue degrades, it’s called demyelination, and when this occurs, the nerves don’t work very well. As a result of the signals decaying, the machinery it controls and powers stop working properly. When this happens, things like labored breathing, muscle fatigue, heart difficulties and gastric problems begin to occur. This is multiple sclerosis. The disease’s name comes from the Latin word for scars (scleroses), after the holes it puts in the myelin sheath.

There’s no drug to cure this disease, but like many diseases, natural treatments will soon cure it. For now, we can induce MS (multiple sclerosis) remissions, to prevent increased damage and symptoms.

How to do this is incredibly simple actually.


How to induce MS (multiple sclerosis) remissions


To induce MS (multiple sclerosis) remissions, address the body homeopathically. This means to treat the body as a single organ, rather than a series of exclusive systems. Homeopathy is the best strategy for something this widespread in the body.

To address the systems failing over weak signals, simply strengthen them. Strengthening the muscles is all about low stress yoga or similar stretches. To do the same for the lungs and heart, low impact aerobics are the way to go.

Adding to this, drinking milk promotes strength and wellness in all body systems. An added benefit of milk is its use as a source of vitamin D. Vitamin D has been documented to reduce the relapses of MS in people, and fortify the myelin as well as the body’s ability to regenerate it.

While the world waits with bated breath for the new cure breakthroughs to be published, these keys to MS (multiple sclerosis) remissions are absolutely paramount.