One of the most debilitating symptoms associated with this autoimmune disease is multiple sclerosis shock or MS shock, which is also known as Lhermitte’s sign. This was named after Jacques Jean Lhermitte who characterized this condition. When an individual experiences MS shock, they feel electrical impulses while they move their neck, which reverberate up and down the central nervous system. This may also trigger other symptoms of this debilitating health condition that can impair an individual’s abilities and physical mobility. Depending on the severity of this condition, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis shock may cause pain, numbness, tingling and sensations of shock throughout the body, which are uncomfortable to experience on a regular basis.
Effects of Multiple Sclerosis ‘MS’ Shock
MS shock may cause cognitive impairment and cause a sufferer to experience debilitating musculoskeletal issues, along with sensations of pain and numbness in their extremities. Also, they may experience vision problems and mental confusion due to the nature of this disease, since this condition influences the tissue of the brain, which is also responsible for many autonomic functions of the body. The electrical impulses associated with multiple sclerosis shock are shot up and down your nerves and may cause physical sensory issues throughout the body. However, most people that suffer from MS shock note that when the neck is moved, it triggers the electrical sensations to course through the body. Due to the physical damage inflicted on nerves and organs, another common symptom associated with multiple sclerosis shock is fatigue and exhaustion which stems from the disabling physical symptoms of the disease.
Symptoms of MS shock
The pain and tenderness experienced by those who suffer from MS shock may contribute to a cycle of events that occur in the body. The symptoms of this disease may cause organs or organ systems not to perform essential duties because of the cellular damage inflicted on a systemic scale. After an electrical wave is sent through the nerves and neurons of the body, the individual may feel a burning or tremor in response. This is the body’s way of trying to cope with the cellular damage that is inflicted during a physical attack of multiple sclerosis shock. This chain of events may be the culprit of the inhibition of physical mobility in people that suffer from this deteriorating disease of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The individual may then become fatigued because of how this zaps energy from certain parts of the body.