Multiple Sclerosis UK patients have an invaluable resource in the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre which works to supply UK residents with the latest news about MS research, as well as emotional support, informative pamphlets, insurance services, an eNewsletter, and various ways to get involved with the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Center. This organization also maintains an immeasurable collection of links for all kinds of MS resources and info. Along with this, there are recipes, computer software and accessible technology, equipment and gadgets, accessible holidays, tai chi and yoga classes, and dietary supplements. This organization is a great MS resource hub for people diagnosed with this devastating illness, their caregivers, or anyone who has a friend or family member with MS.

People who need advice or someone to talk to can use the 24-hour support line offered by this organization on the website. Another option is to talk with other MS patients in a chat room. Individuals can also share information and news about MS via forum posts.


Additional Services Offered by MSRC


SAMS is a branch of MSRC located in Stone. This support group was created for people diagnosed with MS and for those who are caring for someone with MS, who happen to live in the Staffordshire area. SAMS offers different events around the year in order to support those with MS and to help raise awareness of this disease. For example, two regular events that are held by this organization are a morning gathering for coffee and nightly meetings. Along with this, every month, there is a MS Café day held at the center, where a nurse who specializes in MS comes in and anyone with computer difficulty can ask an expert for assistance. Another resource maintained by this group is a quarterly MS Resource Centre newsletter, available online but also can be printed off to share with others.

Another support group for Multiple Sclerosis UK patients is The Best Bet Diet Group. The basic goal of the diet is to reduce the intake of food that has molecular structures approximating those of myelin. The reasoning behind this is that these types of food trigger an autoimmune response which is what makes the body’s immune system attack nerve cells. There is a list of foods that is provided that MS patients should strive to avoid and lists of supplements that might reduce MS symptoms. There is also a very large selection of different recipes sorted by category in order to help MS patients find healthy foods to eat. It is important to monitor one’s dietary needs along with medication to alleviate MS symptoms.