In recent years many cases of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis or Pediatric MS have been diagnosed. Out of all the MS patients, around 2 – 5% is below the age of 16. As a result more research is being done to understand the difference between pediatric multiple sclerosis, or pediatric MS and the adult version.
Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Types
In general children are more likely than adults to have a relapsing form of the disease, which is characterised by flares up and then a complete recovery. There are four main types of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis or Pediatric MS, although it may not be clear immediately which the patient is suffering from.
Benign – Refers to an initial attack that leads to the diagnoses of MS with no further activity, but this does not mean the disease will remain dormant indefinitely. Relapses could occur over time, followed by a complete recovery; however, in some cases the type may become worse later in life.
Relapsing – This is the most common type of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis or Pediatric MS, the disease is active and nerve damage occurs with new or worsening symptoms. The length of a relapse can be anywhere from a few days to a few months, with the level varying between mild to serve. When the disease becomes inactive or in remission, it can remain this way for any length of time, sometime even years.
Secondary Progressive – This type of Pediatric MS usually comes after the relapsing stage. However the attacks become frequent and the inactive periods reduces until there is no time in remission, the disease steadily becomes worse.
Primary Progressive – Unlike the other three, there is no remission period, the condition presents itself and over time it steadily becomes worse.
Pediatric MS symptoms
Children who are diagnosed with MS take longer to become disabled than adults who have been diagnosed, and girls are more likely to get it than boys. In general children with MS have one key symptom, which is optic neuritis.
This form affects the optic nerve and causes visual disturbances, blurred vision and can result in total blindness. Pain in and behind the eye is common and is sometimes more prominent when the eye is in motion. The visual issues with the eye can in most cases be reversed as long as the disease is caught quickly and carefully monitored.