Spinal cord and ischemic demyelination is caused due the disruption of blood flow from the cerebrum. Spinal cord demyelination and Ischemic demyelination may cause a sudden dimming of vision, slurred speech and mental confusion. Some people may have a lingering feeling that something odd has happened to the body. Symptoms often vary from person to person and depend to a large extent on the area of the brain involved. Usually, these symptoms subside within a few minutes or in 24 hours. However, a brief brain injury may still occur. It is also a risk factor for a stroke. In fact, an Ischemic demyelination is also known as a mini stroke. While spinal cord demyelination results in the loss of signal between the brain and the nerves, Ischemic demyelination leads to a loss of blood flow to the brain.


Ischemic demyelination


The most common cause for an Ischemic demyelination is a clot that closes a brain artery and along with the cholesterol build up it eventually narrows the lumen. Over time, the blood flow to that side of the brain is reduced leading to a stroke. This is usually confirmed after a physical examination along with the patients’ medical history. There are also several radiological tests done to confirm this. It is often considered to be a warning of an approaching stroke. This cannot be taken lightly, as it has far reaching consequences. Loss of life is also a possibility.


Preventing Spinal cord and Ischemic demyelination


Spinal cord demyelination and Ischemic demyelination can be prevented by adapting a lifestyle change. Smoking should be completely avoided and the intake of fatty food should be reduced as well. Regular body workout can be greatly benefited from. The most important part of treating spinal cord demyelination and an Ischemic demyelination is to address the underlying cause, which is why a healthy lifestyle is very important. The initial treatment involves giving aspirin to the patient. The second line of treatment is the administration of clopidogrel, and the third is the administration of ticlopidine. An ECG may show a trial fibrillation. It would show thrombus within the heart chambers. Such patients may require anticoagulation.

The risk factors include a family history of stroke, age of the person when it is over 55 years and the sex of the person – males have a higher tendency than females.