Marburg Multiple Sclerosis, also known as Fulminant MS, is a deadly variant of multiple sclerosis which was first named by the Austrian neurologist Otto Marburg. It is often termed malignant and leads to a significant level of disability in less than 5 years from the first symptom.


Level of malignancy in Fulminant Multiple Sclerosis


This is a very dangerous form of MS. The disease is very aggressive and relentlessly advances at a very rapid pace. It invariably leads to disability and death if not treated promptly. It tends to strike in younger people and is usually preceded by fever. The term Fulminant is a carry-over from the times when disease modifying therapy was practiced. The good news is that it is very rare and people affected by this respond well to treatment.


Diagnosis of Fulminant MS


Fulminant MS can be diagnosed through an MRI scan …