Tag: MS alternative treatments

Understanding Why Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Alternative Treatments Work.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) alternative treatments are one of the most sought after online medical subjects in recent times. There’s plenty of reason for this, given the severity of the disease and the increasing reports of the aliment across the board.

This disease is misunderstood like many common illnesses. People believe that only a drug can treat it and only a drug could possible cure it. In fact, this is untrue on either point. Another common misunderstanding is the belief that the elderly are the only demographic vulnerable to the disease – that it’s the result of ungraceful aging.

Multiple sclerosis is the result of myelin breakdown (demyelination). Myelin, a fatty tissue sheath covering the nervous system, is integral in allowing nerves to transmit the electricity and instructions the brain and organs need. When this tissue breaks down, so do the signals, resulting in organ failure or loss of control.

This …

Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Alternative Treatments

When looking into treatment options for multiple sclerosis, alternative treatments are worth scrutinizing. It is important for patients to keep an open mind about MS. Alternative treatments for the disease can sometimes help provide relief when conventional treatments prove ineffective.

There are different variants of MS, each one of which is triggered and exacerbated by distinct factors. Some variants of MS are associated with the bacteria Chlamydophila pneumoniae. Patients suffering from these variants of MS who opt for alternative treatments for multiple sclerosis in the form of antibiotic therapy have been known to eventually recover from the disease. Other patients, whose MS is triggered or exacerbated by vitamin D deficiency, have shown drastic improvement after taking the alternative multiple sclerosis treatments of vitamin D supplements.


Multiple Sclerosis: Alternative Treatments- Magnesium


One study showed that treating young MS patients with dietary supplements containing magnesium, calcium and vitamin D resulted …

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