An MS attack can be treated by medications known as glucocorticoids especially in cases of a Multiple Sclerosis attack by Relapsing MS. There are four types of medications which are commonly given to RRMS patients. These medications are: interferon beta-1a, interferon beta-1b, glatiramer acetate, and natalizumab. These drugs are supposed to prevent the progression of this disease and are usually injected; however, a medication taken orally called Fingolimod is also available.

The purpose of these medications is to help reduce the frequency of attacks and the disability level of Remitting Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis patients, however, another purpose of these medications is to lower the rate of relapses presence of lesions created on the brain and the spinal cord. Scientists are searching for ways to prevent remitting relapsing MS from becoming one of the more advanced stages of MS. They are also hoping to someday soon eliminate MS altogether.

