Various health problems are experienced by patients with MS. Heart problems are ranked among these. Multiple sclerosis heart problems may result from a number of causes, some of which are explored in detail below.

One of the symptoms experienced by MS patients is arrhythmia of the heart. This is basically a problem with the rhythm of the patient’s heartbeat. The heart may beat too quickly, too slowly or irregularly. Arrhythmia is harmless in some cases. In other cases, it is a dangerous condition that threatens patients’ lives. In these latter cases, the arrhythmia may hinder blood flow to organs such as the brain and heart. Damage to these organs can be life-threatening.


MS Heart Problems and Brain Stem Lesions


When arrhythmia is accompanied by breathing problems, the condition is often referred to as having palpitations. Palpitations can be experienced by MS patients as a direct result of their …