In almost every article you can find, Multiple Sclerosis Autoimmune disease classification is presented as a given. And while this is certainly the general consensus, Multiple Sclerosis Autoimmune disease classification is not unanimous. Those that disagree with the MS autoimmune label claim that this assumption is why no cure has been found and that if researchers would get “outside the box” of general thinking they may find more effective treatments.


MS autoimmune disease label questioned, but the inflammatory label is not


MS is most certainly an inflammatory disease.  The people affected with the disease have myelin sheath damage.  This damage causes scarring, or sclerotic spots and inflammation.  None of those statements are debated.  The main reason for the spots is still largely unknown, but if the myelin sheath is attacked by the body’s own immune system, doesn’t that make it an autoimmune disease?

When the body exhibits immunity, …