Due to the fact that the brain and spinal cord are the Multiple Sclerosis nerves affected most of all, the entire body suffers. The immune system attacks these MS nerves and strips them of their outer coating, called myelin. Without this sheath, nerves don’t function as they should. Myelin is made up of lipids, water, and proteins, all of which are able to be broken down by the body’s immune system.
Usually the immune system attacks foreign substances, not internal components required to make the body function normally. A combination of infection, environmental factors, and also genetics can cause the immune system to retaliate against the nerves, causing demyelination. The removal of the myelin sheath on nerves takes place in many illnesses, so it can be difficult to diagnose MS right away. However, the Multiple Sclerosis nerves affected most are in the spinal cord and brain.
When the MS nerves …