Tag: multiple sclerosis relief

Understanding The Problem MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Relief Solves

MS (multiple sclerosis) relief isn’t that difficult to come by and doesn’t require questionable and expensive drugs. Surprisingly, relief is all about healthy living and some mild dietary planning.

Unfortunately many people don’t listen to this advice, assuming it can’t be that simple. The reason for their belief of this is due to not understanding what MS is in the first place.

First of all, MS is not a disease brought on by advancing age like may think. In fact, MS can affect anyone regardless of age or race. This is the same kind of misunderstanding often associated with arthritis as well.

MS is the deterioration of myelin, the fatty tissue sheath that enshrouds our nervous systems. This is basically an insulator. When it breaks down, nerves don’t work right, causing signal loss not unlike stripped or crimped wires. As a result of this, organs are underpowered and poorly controlled.…

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) relief is achievable with increased activity and positive attitude. But pain often gets in the way

One of the first pieces of advice given with an early Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis is to stay active. But the MS relief is often impeded by unbearable pain. How can you stay active, or increase your activity if the pain is unbearable? Conventional pain management will sometimes help, but with Multiple Sclerosis relief is more often found with a combination of pharmacologic approaches.  It is estimated that about 55% of MS patients have pain classified as clinically significant due to their MS.  About half (48%) suffered general chronic pain.  But each patients pain is unique and must be categorized first then it must be determined if the pain is caused from something other than the MS.  Relief can be found with a combination of drugs, if drugs are needed at all.


Four broad categories of pain are associated with MS. Relief is tailored to the cause


  • Neuropathic pain

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