There are four main types of multiple sclerosis, and one of them is PPMS MS. This stands for primary-progressive multiple sclerosis. PPMS multiple sclerosis typically follows the first stage of multiple sclerosis, which is the relapsing-remitting type. In the relapsing-remitting type, a person will have periods of multiple sclerosis with no symptoms. When they move into the primary-progressive type, there are less and less periods of remission. The multiple sclerosis is almost always active in the body, and the person experiences many different symptoms on a regular basis. This type of multiple sclerosis usually requires ongoing, aggressive treatment to keep it in check and to keep it from being more disabling.
Primary-progressive multiple sclerosis, or PPMS MS, can be a disheartening diagnosis for many people. However, it is important not to lose hope. Many treatments are very effective at slowing down the progression of multiple sclerosis, allowing people to …