Tag: Preventing Multiple Sclerosis

Preventing MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

Preventing MS (multiple sclerosis) is possible, but it is not an exact science. One’s genetic heritage can put him or her at a higher than average risk of developing MS. A variety of environmental factors can similarly raise one’s risk for MS. While it is not possible to undo one’s genetic heritage, one can adjust the environment to reduce his or her susceptibility to the known risk factors for MS.

Geography has been shown to play a role in increasing one’s risk for developing MS: Multiple sclerosis is most prevalent in lands far away from the equator. Thus, while there is low MS incidence in sub-Saharan Africa, the disease is more prevalent in North America, Northern Europe and Southern Australia. It seems that the factor at play is vitamin D, which the human body synthesizes when it is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency happens to be associated with MS. …

Preventing Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Currently, preventing multiple sclerosis is a mystery to medical researchers and professionals across the world.  Preventing MS is not something that medical professionals know how to do, so they can not recommend prevention steps to people on how to avoid this chronic autoimmune disease.  However, research is being done to look into this disease more in the hopes that there will someday be ways that the disease can be prevented and hopefully be cured.

While there are no current prevention techniques, there are ways that people can protect themselves and be knowledgeable about multiple sclerosis.  It is important for people to know about the early symptoms of the disease so that if they occur, they will know to seek out medical attention.  Some of the earliest symptoms can include vision problems such as double vision or temporary blindness, numbness and tingling in the limbs and extremities, and extreme fatigue.  If …

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