Trigeminal neuralgia multiple sclerosis or trigeminal neuralgia MS is characterized by sudden attacks of pain in the facial region. They can be triggered by a number of factors such as touching and chewing. Sometimes even brushing of the teeth can trigger an attack. The pain is focused in the areas where the trigeminal nerve is located; these include the jaw, teeth, gums, lips and the area around the eyes and forehead. Due to the damage that can be caused in multiple sclerosis patients’ trigeminal neuralgia is a common complaint.


Diagnoses for trigeminal neuralgia MS


The main problem with trigeminal neuralgia multiple sclerosis or trigeminal neuralgia ms is that it can be easily mistaken for migraines or dental issues. The pain can fluctuate from mild to severe and can feel like aching or burning sensation. This is unlike common neuralgia that presents itself as sharp burst of pain in …